The Fourteenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2012
Berkeley Prize 2012

Loh Kin Kit and Phoaw Yen Shan Bios

Loh Kin Kit

"Kin Kit is currently a second year architecture student in the National University of Singapore. His enduring fascination is with cities and their workings. He feels that Singapore is a city that has an extremely politicized urban landscape that is unique and worthy of study. 

While an architecture student, he believes that architecture gains its value only as a part of society and as such it is always important to look beyond the at times narrow perspective that architecture engenders. He is currently interested in the relations between people and the spaces they inhabit at the scales of both the building and the city." 

Yen Shan Phoaw

"Yen Shan Phoaw is a second year architecture student at the National University of Singapore. His scope of interest resides primarily with architectural design and its socio-cultural implications, particularly concerning the stigmatized groups of society and their claim to space in the city. To him, architecture has the potential to inspire and suggest certain phenomenon via its forms, spaces and nuances. The democracy of spaces within this country is a key focus in his design interests.

Residing within the cosmopolitan city of Singapore, the spot-light remains on those that lead the economical elite and “high” architecture remains prevalent. He hopes to explore the relationship of architecture and its linkages to the various demographics of society, especially for a stratified society like Singapore.

Yen Shan is also fascinated by the avant-garde visionary architecture manifestos and wishes to investigate this aspect of architecture in his future architecture education."




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Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Loh Kin Kit and Phoaw Yen Shan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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